Monday, November 3, 2008

4th November its 12:09 a.m. by the way I'm writing this.I can't sleep because of tomorow's exam and her :p.Don't ask who.Its secret xD.
Tomorow I will be going to war agasinst Pendidikan Seni, and Maths.
Pendidikan Seni is a piece of cake,no need to read.By the way,it's not that important ,unless you really loves art.
Maths ,in the other hand,I really hope I could get all correct for Paper 1 as I screwed up Paper 2 and I dont want it to happen again xD.
That's for tonight.Good night ,to you all.


Wallace said...

Awesome, a blog... Anyway, nice blog. And the secret I knew ;)

Abid -Zero(ゼロ) said...

Lol,so don't blew it out >.<.